Monthly archives of “November 2016

Tecla Gato

Tecla Gato feat. Hui-Chun Lin
12.1 at 8.30pm

Tecla Gato is formed by musicians from different generations of the improv scene in Buenos Aires. The concept suggested by their improvisations proposes the mixture of acoustic instruments with the addition of sound objects, electronics and processed voices. They often utilize in their performances graphic scores of their own creation as a blueprint for improvisations.

In this trio’s sound pursuit, the organic and the electronic blend together revealing textures where mutant, amorphous landscapes are suggested, that evoke an almost lovecraftian cosmology, creating kaleidoscopic moments and oneiric sensations.
Hue-Chun Lin is a cellist invited to perform with Tecla Gato.

Gustavo Obligado: sax, electronics, voices.
Caro Tierhs: violin, objects.
Pablo Vazquez: bass, electronics, voices.
Hui-Chun Lin: cello

Concert starts at 8.30pm. Duration of the concert will be approximately 40 minutes.

Dissonance – Resonance: Spatial variations

Nixxon Kerimaa, Iida Valkonen, Joonas Järvi, Noora Palotie and Roy Boswell

Vernissage / Opening: Freitag / Friday 25.11.2016, 19 Uhr (Performance 19 Uhr, for further informations scroll down, please))
Öffnungszeiten Kolonie-Wochenende / Opening times on the Kolonie Weekend: So / Sun 27.11.2016 14-18 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 26.11 – 17.12.2016
Öffnungszeiten/ Opening hours: Di-Sa / Tue-Sat 14-18 Uhr

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed


Dissonance – Resonance : spatial variations presents five emerging Finnish artists who share an interdisciplinary approach to working in the fields of contemporary drawing, printmaking, sculpture, mixed media and performing arts. The works in the exhibition vary from drawn works and installations to live performances, each presenting ideas on how space can be translated and transformed into works of art; it can be an actual location but also a state of mind, whereas the spatial experiences can vary from precise bodily sensations to more metaphysical transitions between subjective narratives – it can exclude, include, obscure and expose those who venture into it. These are, among others, the questions the artists had worked with for the exhibition. The works in the exhibition both agree and argue with each other when offering various viewpoints to the observers; acts that draw inspiration from similar elements viewed through a different spectrum. When presented in the shared gallery space, they are constantly in relation to one another, yet each of them can be experienced as their own individual micro cosmos, worlds within a world from where they’re stepped into. With the exhibition, the artists invite the guests to look beyond the lines, layers and sculpted structures; to see for themselves how something as universal yet as intimate as space can, when given a moment, be approached. We invite you to trespass. Welcome.


Slavoj Žižek Emerges from the Swamp (2016)

A lecture performance that is part of the exhibition discusses the act of seeing and being seen and communication between the living and the dead. The duration of the performance is approximately 40 minutes. The performance will take place on the night of the exhibition opening on 25th November at 8 pm. The performance is also shown on 29.11. / 01.12. / 03.12. / 07.12. / 09.12., all at 7 pm. The public is advised to arrive early as the gallery doors will be closed during the event. Please note that the performance event starts after the gallery’s regular opening hours.

Sound Scapes 15 | 26.11.2016

Improvisation-Concert Series Nr. 15

Samstag, 26. November 2016

Doors: 19:30 | concert: 20:00 Uhr

Warmly welcome to our next concert with

Tom Jackson | Reeds UK

Stephen Crowe | Guitar UK
Adam Pultz Melbye | Double bass DK

organized by Harri Sjöström