All posts filed under “Installation

Exhibition view

Possessed – Simo Ripatti | Patrick Huber 28.7.–24.8.2024

Simo Ripatti (Fi) and Patrick Huber (Berlin) in Toolbox.

Opening: 26. 7. 2024, 7pm, you#re welcome!

Exhibition 28.7.–24.8.2024

Simo Ripatti
Possessed, 2023

The work describes observation based on memory and how continuous observation of new things affects the memory image reliability. The starting point is my thoughts on the contingencies of existence and events and how they meet one’s own understanding and thereby form a point of view. Formed through this the point of view also determines how the memory is colored and how long you can consider the memory reliable.
Perception is the basis for connecting to reality, but only comparing to memory, memory and perception questioning and conscious thinking form a reliable experience. In my opinion, it is in many ways the characteristic that defines the experience of this work.

Patrick Huber

Drawings and Objects

Patrick Huber: Füßeln – from the series “Techtelmechtel”wood, wax, approx 100 x 40 cm

Opening hours: Wed–Sat 3–7 pm

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Foto KAren Koltermann

The Rock

Karen Koltermann, Installation

In September 2018, Karen Koltermann took part in one of the rare guided tours to Gorham´s Cave complex in Gibraltar as part of her artists’ residency at Lichtenberg Studios. In the Gallery Toolbox, Karen Koltermann will now show the installation “The Rock,” which is based on photos of this exploration.

Sunday 30.07. 2023, 4pm
Chornobyl Dreams Symposium:
conversations on photography, borders, landscape
, and
imagination | read more

Opening: 28.07.2023, 7pm

Mi–Sa 15–19 Uhr

Toolbox Kabinett


Photo and sound landscape collage of the changes in urban space as experienced from Pasila’s cell tower

The idea for the Torni image and sound collage started when I was a deputy city councillor in the Helsinki city council and a member of the city’s equality committee. At that time, I strongly realised how many things should be considered when building, space, light, sustainability of the surrounding urban nature, movement of different people of different ages, and much more.
From Pasila’s cell tower, you could clearly see the gradual but constantly increasing construction of the environment, and the change of the landscape in different seasons of the year. In addition to photography, we also got permission to install pinhole cameras in the tower, pointing at the sun and the landscape.

Solargraphy is the art of long-exposure photography that captures the image of the sun’s path across the sky. The path is invisible to the human eye, and it is also different in each place on Earth.
When you look at the landscape from the tower, you must be very alert; so many things are constantly changing in the events of the earth and sky. The cell phone camera does not lift or magnify, it shows everything roughly as the human eye sees it from the tower.

When you sat in your kitchen having breakfast in the old Pasila, you saw a lot of green, you could follow the events in the yard and the birds playing. Now, in many new houses, the situation is already such that you can see the wall of the neighbouring house very close, and you can observe what the neighbours are spreading on their toast this morning.

In the Torni collage, we have included pictures taken with very different photographic equipment and with equipment of different levels, without fear of jaggedness. One purpose of the work is to encourage people to record their surroundings in pictures, even if they don’t own any luxury equipment. And that’s what many people do nowadays; the digital age makes a lot possible. Someone takes pictures of the forest they know all year round; someone photographs the birdhouse in the yard, someone takes pictures of their every morning swimming spot through summers and winters.

The collage is also the mind’s journey to the landscape. While the camera follows the changing urban space, the soundscapes, solargraphs, and music recorded on the spot create space for the mind to wander.

You can also look at the collage, trying to spot what disappears and what replaces it.

Tiina Harpf – script, speech, soundscapes, photos, installation of pinhole cameras
Tiina Hihnavaara – script, photo editing
Kimmo Roine, Tiina Harpf – installation of pinhole cameras
Mikko H. Haapoja – music (bowed lyre, keyed fiddle), video editing, sound design*
Orders and more information:

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Wed– Sat 3–7pm
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Andreas Wolf artwork

Bild Raum | Image Space

In collaboration with Anna E. Wilkens the artist Andreas Wolf has created a walk-in non-representational image at the Finnish-German Art Space Toolbox. During the exhibition, the artist s probably will continue working on the space-image structure.

Vernissage: 25. 03. 2022, 19 h
27. 03.–23. 04. 2022
Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours: Sa 15–18 h
Kolonie Weekend: 27. 03. 2022: 14 –17 h

Der Künstler Andreas Wolf hat in Zusammenarbeit mit Anna E. Wilkens im Finnisch-Deutschen Art Space Toolbox ein begehbares ungegenständliches Bild im Raum installiert. Im Laufe der Ausstellungsdauer wird das Raum-Bild-Gefüge möglicherweise noch verändert.

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed



Mika KArhu Video-Screenshot

And Words at Night |

Exhibition with works by
Mika Karhu (video)

Toolbox Kabinett: Jan Bejšovec (textile art)

Vernissage: 29 October 2021, 7pm

Opening Times: Mi–Sa 15-19 h

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Mika Karhu

“Thoughtlessness – carefree indifference, hopeless confusion or complacent repetition of ‘truths’ turned flat and empty – seems to be the most striking character of our time […] I suggest something very simple, not more than that we think about what we do.”
Hannah Arendt

Jan Bejšovec

Jan Bejšovec


Dr. Goebbels
40 x 30 cm
appliqués and hand-embroidery on stretcher frame

The German-Jewish photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt succeeded in revealing a portrait of the notorious National Socialist in Geneva in 1933 during a visit by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels to the League of Nations in Geneva. Goebbels fixed the photographer full of hatred and thereby lost his bourgeois mask for a moment.

Through the strong abstraction of the original photo and the reduction to his face, Goebbels hateful gaze is further accentuated in the textile image. The reduction to a few sharp-edged shapes and the contrast of black and white sharpen the image‘s message. Hand-embroidered surfaces create an additional profile depth on the superimposed textile applications.

Simo Ripatti

Drying Room | 30.8.–21.9.2019

Simo Ripatti


Toolbox Kabinett: Pablo Hermann

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag  30.08.2019, 7pm |

Open on Sunday 1 September, 2019, 2–6pm |

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 31 August – 21 September 2019 |
Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours: Wed–Sa 3–7pm |

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Artwork: Simo Ripatti

Drying Room is a rendition of the classification that we use to perceive the world and to create various groupings and structures. It does not aim to define the concept of classification or even its necessity. Rather, it serves as a basis for examing questions of this nature. Drying Room reveals the notability of space, artwork, perception and the moment of it as the parts of the knowledge.

Simo Ripatti (b. 1975) is a Finnish visual artist. Studied at the sculpture department of the Finnish Academy of fine arts, Helsinki and Institute of fine Arts, Lahti, Finland.

Pilvi Ojala

Pilvi Ojala | 27.7.–24.8.2019

Pilvi Ojala, paintings

Toolbox Kabinett: Uwe Sennert (Sennf), Berlin

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag  26.07.2019, 7pm |

Open on Sunday 29 July, 2019, 2–6pm |

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 28 July – 24 August 2019 |
Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours: Wed–Sa 3–7pm |

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Artwork: Pilvi Ojala

Pilvi Ojala, paintings

Pilvi Ojala (b. 1973) observes inner drama in a calm, almost restrained way. In her recent works she depicts her dreams and feelings, making use of a long tradition of religious and mythological imagery.The strong connection to art history paired with an almost ruthless introspection gives these self portraits a strange, ambigious quality. Life is tragic, angst a daily companion, sorrow so ordinary it needs a body of it´s own. But when Ojala puts her figures in the limeligth of her small stages, it triggers laughter. There is great relief in seeing that what bugs us most, also make us laugh.

Ojala studied printmaking in Kuvataideakatemia, in Helsinki. She says that se slipped into painting almost accidentally. This might be why it is so easy to look at her paintings. The material itself is not a problem, rather, it is the most precise way to tell us about life seen through her eyes.

Text: Pauliina Turakka-Purhonen, visual artist (Finland)


Uwe Sennert (Sennf), sculpture

With and for and against Uwe Sennert

  • Born in the Sennestadt 1964
  • 1983-1984 College of Fine Arts, Frankfurt
  • 1984-1990 College of Fine Arts, Hamburg
  • 1988 Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
  • 1990 art prize, art students are from Bonn
  • 1990 Hamburg, scholarship
  • 1992 DAAD scholarship, Vienna
  • 1993 scholarship in Bad Frankenhausen
  • 1996 invention of the “Senncakes”
  • 1998 conquest of the Sennestadt
  • 2011 Senna Tuntschi
  • 2014 Sennwald

Exhibition of Senn products within Germany since 1988.

Sennf-office in the capital



Hexenbesen – Whitches´ Broom

Heli Ryhänen

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag 29.03.2019, 7pm |

Open on Sunday 31.03.2019 from 2-6pm

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 30 March – 20 April 2019 |
Öffnungszeiten/ Opening hours: Wed-Sa 3-7pm |

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

I am interested in putting into visual form subjects involving humanity: various situations in life, problem solving abilities or inabilities, attitudes to oneself, towards other people and other species. Not to mention body language, non-verbal communication and the subconscious. Emotions, joys and sorrows alike, come across from the body in many ways. Perhaps this is the reason why I have chosen human shape as a basis of my works.

In the exhibition the humanity is both present and absent in my works. Plants, mice and parts of human body interlock. The works are linked into the ephemeral qualities of life and the cycles of nature. Decaying body feeds another living creature, which in turn fades and gives birth to something new.

In the airborne work ”Witches´ Broom” a mother mouse is climbing a chain. Weather beaten plants are bare with only few leaves. Mice and other rodents are survivors. They endure also the ultimate hardships, even beyond the human existence.

Alexander Horn-The Black Hunter

The Black Hunter

Alexander Horn (Drawings, Video),
Frank Rossi
(Sound-Installation and Tonal Pattern Generator)

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag 25.01.2019, 7pm |

Performance on Saturday 26.01. at 8pm

Open on Sunday 27.01.2019 from 2-6pm

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 26. 01–19.02. 2019 |
Öffnungszeiten/ Opening hours: Fr-Sa 3-7pm |

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

scroll down for German translation

The Black Hunter

The work of Alexander Horn is known for its drifting along at the limits of what seems to be speakable, or, as one of the titles says: ‘Administrations and measures at the border of unlikeliness’.
Horn’s pictures, mostly begun as drawings and structured through limited imagery, are completed by diverse mixed media.
These drawings combine concise composition, overpainting and collagelike elements into a peculiar pictorial language which, despite its archaic impression of rigidity, hints at something detached and moving.

Dr. Harry Gelb

Die Arbeiten Alexander Horns zeichnen sich oft, im Wortsinne, dadurch aus, dass sie an den
Grenzen des Sagbaren entlanggleiten, oder „Anwendungen und Maßnahmen an der Schnittstelle zur Unwahrscheinlichkeit“ sind – wie einer der Titel lautet.
In den motivisch sehr eng gefassten und meist als Zeichnungen angelegten, dann in verschiedenen Mischtechniken fortgeführten Grafiken vermengen sich strenge Formgebung, Übermalungen sowie collagehafte Elemente zu einer eigentümlichen Bildsprache, welche trotz ihrer archaisch anmutenden Statik etwas Losgelöstes und Bewegendes in sich birgt.

Dr. Harry Gelb

 So viele Farben Schwarz


Frank Rossi | So viele Farben Schwarz

So viele Farben Schwarz is a Sound-Installation and Tonal Pattern Generator. In it, the twin strands of confrontation with automatons that are able to play music independently of humans and the idea of automated composition, of endlessly self-generating music, are combined to form an autopoietic, that is to say, both self-playing and self-composing music machine.
check full text on

Toolbox 6 years Party

TOOLBOX 6 Years Birthday Party

GOLDEN AGE-Festival 24.– 26.8.2018

Koloniestraße 120, 13359 Berlin-Wedding

Friday 24.8.

Starting 11:00

”Superpositio” collective drawing-collage-installation process, pop-up exhibition.

Artists: Maija Helasvuo, Mika Karhu, Juha Sääski, Niina Räty, Sampsa Indren, Minna Jatkola, Anssi Taulu. Kollektiivisen piirustus-kollaasi-tilateos yhteisteoksen valmistaminen (TOOLBOX-jäsenistö).


Live music:

Harri Sjöström and Emilio Gordoa duo

20:00  At the park near Galerie TOOLBOX:

Träumende Bäume

Uneksivat puut (Träumende Bäume)nykytanssia ja nukketeatteria yhdistelevä esitys (Puppentheater mit zeitgenössischem Tanz) joka pohjautuu Didier Comèsin sarjakuvaan Uneksivien puiden talo (Das auf Didier Come´s´Comic ”La Maison ou´revent les arbres” basierende Stuck. Performers from Helsinki and Tampere. Helsinkiläis-tamperelainen työryhmä. More information, Lisätietoa:

Das auf Didier Comès` Comic ” La Maison où rêvent les arbres (Das Haus, wo die Bäume
träumen) basierende Stück verbindet Puppentheater mit zeitgenössischem Tanz. Die
Inszenierung ist mit drei TänzerInnen, einer Puppenspielerin, einer Schauspielerin und einem
Musiker besetzt und verhandelt den Klimawandel, unsere Beziehung zum Wald und die
Macht der Albträume.
Die Bäume sind der Menschen überdrüssig geworden, und die Zeit der angenehmen Träume
ist vorbei. Früher verwandelten sich die Träume der Bäume etwa in Vögel oder
Schmetterlinge, doch aufgrund des unguten menschlichen Treibens sind die Träume nun
reine Albträume. Diese Albträume setzen sich zusammen aus uralten kollektiven
Erinnerungsstucken und greifen – puppenspielerisch dargestellt – als Raubtiere an,
Durch Bewegung, Tanz und verschiedene Radiofrequenzen hindurch entwickelt die
Inszenierung sich auf ihr ritualhaftes Ende zu. Aufführungssprachen sind englisch, deutsch
und finnisch.
Kosten- und barrierefreie Vorfuhrungen am Fr 24.8. und So. 26.8., jeweils 20 Uhr am
Kanalufer in Berlin-Wedding. Treffpunkt ist die Galerie Toolbox an der Koloniestraße 20.

Regie und Dramaturgie: Mira Laine, Choreografie: Mirva Keski-Vähälä / Darstellerinnen: Outi Ivaska, Heidi Suur-Hamari, Sini Peltola, Tommi Rikkinen, Petra Haapio, Riku-Pekka Kellokoski / Puppen und Masken: Anna Sucksdorff / Kostum: Reija Stenius / Musik, Komposition und Sound: Riku-Pekka Kellokoski / Licht: Jari Piitulainen / Grafikdesign: Mark Ståhle / Ubersetzung des Originalwerks ins Finnische: Soile Kaukoranta / Deutsche Ubersetzung: Elina Kritzokat / Website und Herstellung: Bastian Salmela


Kristina Frank (Visby,Sweden) ”We are all atoms”, ”Take to the woods”, ”Blanco”, ”Two rabbits part 1”, ”Two rabbits part 2”

Saturday 25.8.

14.00 Galerie TOOLBOX
”Superpositio”- drawing-collage-installation.

The visitors may participate working, continue doing the collective art work. Gallerian seinillä yleisöllä mahdollisuus osallistua kollektiiviseen piirustus/kollaasiin.

Videostudio: Kristina Frank (Visby, Sweden) all day long

17:00 Galerie TOOLBOX and the street in front of gallery:

Performance: Kalle Turakka-Purhonen

Live music: Country band

Sunday 26.8.

20:00 at the park near Galerie TOOLBOX:

Träumende Bäume, second performance, Uneksivat puut -toinen esitys

21:00 Videoart, outdoor screening in front of the gallery:

The X Film Femmes: The Talkies,

Artists: Aino Havu, Ilkka Hautala, Taina Medina, Gabriela Gaia Meirelles, Taimi Nevaluoma, Mortti Saarnia


Still Life in White |

Salla Keskinen & Elina Nissinen & Eero Yrjölä:​ ​Still Life in White

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag 27.07.2018, 7pm |

Open on Sunday 29.07.2018 from 2-6pm

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 27.7. –28.7. 2018 |
Öffnungszeiten/ Opening hours: Wed-Sa 3-7pm |

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

“Art exists in a kind of eternity of display (…) there is no time. This eternity gives the gallery a limbolike status; one has to have died already to be there.” ​(​Brian ​O’Doherty​: Inside the White Cube:The Ideology of the Gallery Space​ 1976; 15)

Like a garden is the gallery of form-cut wilderness, rose bushes and poetic rituality; the gallery is a garden of ceremonial eventuality, curated objects in conceptual landscape.

Still Life in White​ is flowers and saplings dressed in white. The emblematic blends with the actual and the process of dying becomes an event of birth.

Salla Keskinen, Elina Nissinen and Eero Yrjölä are Helsinki-based artists who share an interest to several themes. Contemplation on the color ​white,​ for instance, has been part of their previous work. ​Still Life in White ​is Keskinen, Nissinen and Yrjölä’s first production as a trio, even if they have worked with each other through other collaborations already before.

Salla Keskinen​ ​(b. 1983) mainly works with performance, photography and video.​ ​In addition to the camera, the body is an essential tool in her work that tackles the concept of intimacy. ​

Elina Nissinen​​ (b. 1991) has recently worked in collaborative projects that have focused on installation and performance. Her interests revolve around the entanglements of the urban everyday in the social reality and the haunting presence of disbelief, magic, and dreams. Nissinen is member of the transcultural ​Third Space​ collective. CV: ​

Eero Yrjölä​​ (b. 1990) works primarily through painting, installation and performance. Aiming often to comment on the conventions of art and the art world, Yrjölä’s work looks into the themes of “normality”, gender and sexuality. ​