Ismo Hyvärinen
Fake ladders
Gemälde / Paintings
1. – 23. 10. 2016
Toolbox – Finnisch-Deutscher Projektraum, Koloniestraße 120
Vernissage: Willkommen zur Eröffnung am 30. 09. 2016 um 19 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten Kolonie-Wochenende: So. 2. Oktober von 14–18 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 30. September bis 23. Oktober 2016 | Öffnungszeiten: Di–Sa 14–18 Uhr
Fake ladders
We are always in between something. Morning and evening. Yesterday and tomorrow. In the rearview mirror, we can glimpse the landscape just passed. Everything is still before us. Being is an opportunity. My paintings reflect all of this.
I feel like a chameleon, floating, melting into the auras of other people. On my canvases, things in space and time are transformed into colors and shapes. We live in an uncertain age, full of manufactured threats and empty promises. In my paintings, these appear as gloom, as somber darkness. But countering darkness is light, the hope of something better and more humane.
For me, painting is a visual and philosophical dialogue with the world around me. The significance of space, light and color in my work has deepened over the years. I process things through my emotions; I am a kindred spirit of the storytellers of the Romantic age, whose art was inspired by feelings.