All posts tagged “Drawing

drawing Ilkka Sariola

Deliver from Evil |

Ilkka Sariola, drawings

Kabinett: Alexander Horn

Opening: Fri, 28.10.2022, 7pm

Exhibition: 28.10.–19.11.2022

Open on 30.10.2022 (Kolonie Wedding weekend): 2–6pm
Download Kolonie Wedding Flyer 10, 2022

Artwork: Ilkka Sariola, Neverland, pencil and graphite on paper, 150×115 cm

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Wed, Fri-Sat 15-19, Thu 16-20
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed


Elina Försti & Wolf Hamm | 01–22.10.2022

Paintings and Drawings

Vernissage: Fri, 30.09.2022, 7pm

Exhibition: 01.–22.10.2022

top: Elina Försti: “Drying Barn From Tarvola”, 2020–2021, 180×280 cm, oil on canvas

down: Wolf Hamm: “In The Same Boat, Till the End”, 2022, 24×18 cm,  ink on paper


Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestrasse 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Mi-Sa/Wed-Sat 15-19
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

artwork illka sariola

TOOLBOX Berlin anniversary
exhibition | 27.08–24.09.2022

10 Jahre TOOLBOX Berlin 2012-2022
10 years anniversary exhibition

27.8.-24.9. 2022

Artists: Maija Helasvuo, Sampsa Indren, Mika Karhu, Niina Räty, Ilkka Sariola, Juha Sääski, Andreas Wolf

Austellungseröffnung / Vernissage: Freitag / Friday 26.08. 2022,  19:00
Performances 20:00: Ilkka Sariola, Rag Elnyg, Kainulainen&Latva

The exhibition takes place on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Finnish-German project space Toolbox in Berlin.

Time scedule

The Light and the Dark

Wed 24.08.2022, 7pm, location: Gallery Wolf &Galentz
there’s a third exhibition celebrating the 10 Years Anniversary of Toolbox Berlin. This exhibition is a return-exhibition to the Särkyvää | Zerbrechlich (‘fragile’ in Finnish and German) organised by Toolbox, currently on display in Riihimäki (FI), with works by Berlin and Finnish artists in an old glass factory.


Thu 25.08.2022, 7pm , location: Gallery Wolf &Galentz
Concert Hannelore (Catherine Lorent and Tom Früchtl)


Ilkka Sariola, Rag Elnyg, Kainulainen&Latva

Fri 26.08.2022, 8pm, Location: Toolbox

artwork: Illka Sariola: Brazen Bull, 115 x 150 cm, lyijykynä paperille / pencil on paper, 2021

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestrasse 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Mi-Sa/Wed-Sat 15-19
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Janne Martola

Überlebende | Survivors

Janne Martola

Zeichnungen | drawings


Catherine Lorent

Zeichnungen | drawings

Vernissage: Friday 24. 06. 2022, 19 h
Kolonie Wedding weekend: Sunday: 26. 06. 2022: 2–6pm
Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours: Mi–Sa 15–19 h

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Artwork: Wise creature 2, Janne Martola

Janne Martola is a storyteller and a dreamer. In his drawings
the strange and wonderful blends seamlessly with the familiar and the ordinary.
The love for drawing shows in the delicate line and in the abundance of detail.
For Janne the process of creation and every completed drawing is a miracle.

Janne Martolas Survivors-exhibition shows drawings made with charcoal, pencil and watercolors. Through the artworks displayed you can see glimpses of the artistic universe of Martola. Artist wants the gallery visitor to create his/her own stories and interpretations of the drawings

Janne graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts with a master ‘s degree in 2007, but
artistic activity began long before formal art education.
Since the age of 15, Janne has used almost every wakeful moment
drawing. Making art is an integral part of Janne ‘s existence and


Janne Martola ist ein Geschichtenerzähler und ein Träumer. In seinen Zeichnungen
mischt sich das Fremde und Wunderbare nahtlos mit dem Vertrauten und Gewöhnlichen.
Die Liebe zum Zeichnen zeigt sich in seiner feinen Linienführung und im Detailreichtum der Bilder.
Für Janne sind der Entstehungsprozess und jede vollendete Zeichnung Wunder.

Janne Martolas Survivors-Ausstellung zeigt Zeichnungen, die mit Kohle, Bleistift und Aquarellfarben angefertigt wurden. Die ausgestellten Kunstwerke geben einen Einblick in das künstlerische Universum von Martola. Der Künstler möchte, dass der Besucherinnen und Besucher der Galerie ihre eigenen Geschichten und Interpretationen zu den Zeichnungen entwickeln.

Janne Martola schloss 2007 sein Studium an der Akademie der Schönen Künste mit einem Master ab, aber seine künstlerische Tätigkeit begann lange vor der formalen Kunstausbildung.
Seit seinem 15. Lebensjahr hat Janne fast jeden Moment genutzt, um zu zeichnen.
Kunst zu machen ist ein integraler Bestandteil seines Lebens.



PEOPLE – Notes from the Draughtman’s Diary |

Drawing exhibition with works by the Finnish artist

Vernissage: 27 August 2021, 7pm

Toolbox Kabinett: Karen Stuke

Opening Times: Mi–Sa 15-19 h
10. 09. 2021: 19–21 Uhr

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

For German, please scroll down

PEOPLE – Notes from the Draughtman’s Diary


The rule will be formed when many coincidences meet sufficiently in the same picture.

Jevgeni Vodolzkin: The flyer, Into kustannus 2018, p. 210

PEOPLE – Notes from the Draughtman’s Diary is three-year project based on the idea of our world view, which consists of stories constructed by all our senses. We fill in and modify these stories throughout our lives.

During the working process, between May 1, 2016 and April 31, 2019, I studied how visual information constructs one’s vision of the world. Daily randomly-chosen Press photos from the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper have been transformed in the draughtman’s diary into a new picture—a vision of the artist’s mindscape, a story of the moment.

The project provides a new way of reinterpreting the Press photos, which tell a new story of the world through free associations—a story I have transferred by drawing into the surroundings of my own experience. The pictures have become part of my own life story.

For those interested in the materials used: Diary pages (30 x 40 cm); a ballpoint pen; oil pastel; and watercolors, white/mainly black.

Markku Hakuri


MENSCHEN – Notizen aus dem Tagebuch des Zeichners

Die Regel wird gebildet, wenn sich viele Zufälle im gleichen Bild ausreichend treffen.
Jevgeni Vodolzkin: Der Flyer, Into kustannus 2018, S. 210

Menschen – Notizien aus dem Tagebuch des Zeichners ist ein dreijähriges Projekt, das auf der Idee unserer Weltanschauung basiert, die aus Geschichten besteht, die mit allen unseren Sinnen konstruiert werden. Wir füllen und modifizieren diese Geschichten unser ganzes Leben lang.
Während des Arbeitsprozesses, zwischen dem 1. Mai 2016 und dem 31. April 2019, habe ich erforscht, wie visuelle Informationen die eigene Sicht der Welt konstruieren. Täglich zufällig ausgewählte Pressefotos der Helsinkier Zeitung (Helsingin Sanomat) wurden im Tagebuch des Zeichners in ein neues Bild verwandelt – eine Vision der Geisteslandschaft des Künstlers, eine Geschichte des Augenblicks.

Das Projekt vermittelt eine neue Art der Interpretation der Pressefotos, die durch freie Assoziationen eine neue Weltgeschichte erzählen – eine Geschichte, die ich durch Zeichnen in die Umgebung meiner eigenen Erfahrung übertragen habe. Die Bilder sind Teil meiner eigenen Lebensgeschichte geworden.

Für Interessierte, die verwendeten Materialien sind: Tagebuchseiten (30 x 40 cm); ein Kugelschreiber; Öl-Pastell; und Aquarelle, weiß/hauptsächlich schwarz.
Markku Hakuri

Karen Koltermann Voice in the night

The Voice In The Night
Stimme in der Nacht | 30.10–21.11.2020

Exhibition and book launch |

Karen Koltermann

Berlin-based artist Karen Koltermann presents her wonderful and disconcertingly eerie interpretation of William Hope Hodgson’s famous story The Voice in the Night (1907) as a graphic novel.

Die Berliner Künstlerin Karen Koltermann hat eine gleichermaßen wunderbare wie verstörend unheimliche Interpretation der berühmten Geschichte The Voice in the Night (1907) von William Hope Hodgson als Graphic Novel vorgelegt.

Book published by  artbear books

Toolbox Kabinett: Soyoung Shon, paintings


Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag  30.10.2020, 7pm

Open on Sunday 01 November, 2020, 2–6pm

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition: 30 October– 21 November 2020
Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours: Saturday 7.11. and 14.11. 3-7pm
Saturday 21.11. on  3pm Finissage

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Pilvi Ojala

Pilvi Ojala | 27.7.–24.8.2019

Pilvi Ojala, paintings

Toolbox Kabinett: Uwe Sennert (Sennf), Berlin

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag  26.07.2019, 7pm |

Open on Sunday 29 July, 2019, 2–6pm |

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 28 July – 24 August 2019 |
Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours: Wed–Sa 3–7pm |

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Artwork: Pilvi Ojala

Pilvi Ojala, paintings

Pilvi Ojala (b. 1973) observes inner drama in a calm, almost restrained way. In her recent works she depicts her dreams and feelings, making use of a long tradition of religious and mythological imagery.The strong connection to art history paired with an almost ruthless introspection gives these self portraits a strange, ambigious quality. Life is tragic, angst a daily companion, sorrow so ordinary it needs a body of it´s own. But when Ojala puts her figures in the limeligth of her small stages, it triggers laughter. There is great relief in seeing that what bugs us most, also make us laugh.

Ojala studied printmaking in Kuvataideakatemia, in Helsinki. She says that se slipped into painting almost accidentally. This might be why it is so easy to look at her paintings. The material itself is not a problem, rather, it is the most precise way to tell us about life seen through her eyes.

Text: Pauliina Turakka-Purhonen, visual artist (Finland)


Uwe Sennert (Sennf), sculpture

With and for and against Uwe Sennert

  • Born in the Sennestadt 1964
  • 1983-1984 College of Fine Arts, Frankfurt
  • 1984-1990 College of Fine Arts, Hamburg
  • 1988 Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
  • 1990 art prize, art students are from Bonn
  • 1990 Hamburg, scholarship
  • 1992 DAAD scholarship, Vienna
  • 1993 scholarship in Bad Frankenhausen
  • 1996 invention of the “Senncakes”
  • 1998 conquest of the Sennestadt
  • 2011 Senna Tuntschi
  • 2014 Sennwald

Exhibition of Senn products within Germany since 1988.

Sennf-office in the capital


Alexander Horn-The Black Hunter

The Black Hunter

Alexander Horn (Drawings, Video),
Frank Rossi
(Sound-Installation and Tonal Pattern Generator)

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag 25.01.2019, 7pm |

Performance on Saturday 26.01. at 8pm

Open on Sunday 27.01.2019 from 2-6pm

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 26. 01–19.02. 2019 |
Öffnungszeiten/ Opening hours: Fr-Sa 3-7pm |

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

scroll down for German translation

The Black Hunter

The work of Alexander Horn is known for its drifting along at the limits of what seems to be speakable, or, as one of the titles says: ‘Administrations and measures at the border of unlikeliness’.
Horn’s pictures, mostly begun as drawings and structured through limited imagery, are completed by diverse mixed media.
These drawings combine concise composition, overpainting and collagelike elements into a peculiar pictorial language which, despite its archaic impression of rigidity, hints at something detached and moving.

Dr. Harry Gelb

Die Arbeiten Alexander Horns zeichnen sich oft, im Wortsinne, dadurch aus, dass sie an den
Grenzen des Sagbaren entlanggleiten, oder „Anwendungen und Maßnahmen an der Schnittstelle zur Unwahrscheinlichkeit“ sind – wie einer der Titel lautet.
In den motivisch sehr eng gefassten und meist als Zeichnungen angelegten, dann in verschiedenen Mischtechniken fortgeführten Grafiken vermengen sich strenge Formgebung, Übermalungen sowie collagehafte Elemente zu einer eigentümlichen Bildsprache, welche trotz ihrer archaisch anmutenden Statik etwas Losgelöstes und Bewegendes in sich birgt.

Dr. Harry Gelb

 So viele Farben Schwarz


Frank Rossi | So viele Farben Schwarz

So viele Farben Schwarz is a Sound-Installation and Tonal Pattern Generator. In it, the twin strands of confrontation with automatons that are able to play music independently of humans and the idea of automated composition, of endlessly self-generating music, are combined to form an autopoietic, that is to say, both self-playing and self-composing music machine.
check full text on

Lost Luggage

Lost Luggage

Group Show

  • Jesse Avdeikov
  • Christine Candolin
  • Alisa Javits
  • Ritva Larsson
  • Maija Närhinen
  • Katriina Rosavaara
  • Jocke Sederholm
  • Anniina Vainionpää

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag 30.11.2018, 7pm |

Open on Sunday 02.12.2018 from 2-6pm

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 30.11. –20.12. 2018 |
Öffnungszeiten/ Opening hours: Wed-Sa 3-7pm |

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Jesse Avdeikov

works with painting, animation and installation. He seeks for unpleasant, pleasant, absurd and noteworthy aspects of life. Hoping to find the meaning of life by accident while having fun.

Christine Candolin

I have been working with installations since early 1980s.
 Evolution of the human mind, especially the interconnectedness of matter and mind and the emergent properties connected to this, are the important constituents of my studies, and can be seen as allegorical reflections in my work.
The postmodern research on cognition and perceiving and our actions in the world has a relevant part in the ideas behind my working.

I´m wondering how we effect our world by perceiving it, experiencing it and living it. This is what I mean with the expression “matter and mind“. For where does the mind end and the “world” begin?
For me the world is not a given place outside us, my approach is phenomenological; the world unfolds in correlation with our own cultural and mental development, with our broadening cognition and knowledge. This is an interdependent and ongoing process.

My installations are allegorical reflections on this exploration.
My art is space-specific. I’m often assembling my installations to fill several rooms, so that the subject matter can be sensed through the connotations of the combined materials, form, and thought. Some of the materials I use have a transient character, like water, breeze, light, grease, and pigment powders. But also stones, steel, glass and other reflecting materials are often parts of the installations. I prefer to create installations in which beauty combines with austerity, meaning and thought.
My installation at the Toolbox is called My Mental Hadron-Collider.
It is a small videoinstallation. The work is an ecological statement of the ongoing human fall on this planet. It consists of a text, videoprojection into the material installation. The text can be read in the introduction of the installation.

Alisa Javits

“I found a suitcase. It belonged to Someone before me. A slightly naive artifact, with thoughts and dreams encapsulated in a case.”
Alisa Javits works in Helsinki with video and installation. She mixes photographic and filmic working methods. The main theme of the work is the contradiction between the inner and the outer in people.

Ritva Larsson

I ́m graduated from the University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Fine Arts Lahti. I also hold a masters degree in social sciences. With this combination as a background it ́s somewhat natural to explore “the social” by the means of arts. The theme ”street” is one cornerstone of my artwork. The artworks have been painted based on classical traditions. The combination creates an interesting tension between the traditional techniques and the modern themes, where “the social“ meets “the realism“. When these marginalized people are brought into the gallery, we are forced to face something we would prefer rather not to see or to think about. It is fascinating, how art can make a powerful statement about social issues. Yet the process itself is crucially slow. The situations evolve rather slowly on a canvas or on a piece of paper and an true, deeper dialogue among the painting and the world is not possible. In the end the piece remains as the artist ́s statement towards a certain issue but reproduces itself due the perception of the viewer.

Maija Närhinen

I make three-dimensional works and installations, which are composed of numerous parts. In my works I also combine different ways of depicting: two- and three-dimensional parts can form a single piece of work. In my artistic practice I am interested in for instance how to use one material to make an illusion of another material.


Maija Närhinen

In the Lost Luggage exhibition there will be my work called Luggage. It consists of easily movable stones: the stones packed in a suitcase have been made of water colour paintings on paper. Some of them are in a form of a paper roll and some of them have been formed to resemble real stones.


Katriina Rosavaara

Katriina Rosavaara (b. 1975, Finland) is Helsinki based visual artist. Lost Landscape – Revisited (2018) is a short film essay on family history, transgenerational war trauma, refugee and queer. Rosavaaras grandparents were forced to leave their home during the second world war. In the film Rosavaara travels back to her former family home town Sortavala (Russia) three times, in three different decades, reflecting changes on her own memories and on Sortavala city area.

Jocke Sederholm

“I’m a sculptor. I work mostly with wood. Much of my work deals with feelings and relations between people, I’m inspired by humans and humanity.”

Anniina Vainionpää

The subject of my recent work has been memory and personal history combined with how our individual experiences resemble one another and unify us despite our different backgrounds.

In my work I often depict aspects of humanity such as feeling of disparity and alienation. According to my personal experiences concepts of safe and familiar can transform (for example due to illness) into something strange and unrecognisable even terrifying.

The works represented at Lost Luggage exhibition are from “Oblivion” series. They are combinations of woodcut and monotype on paper.








Ilkka Sariola

Shit Happens 2

Drawings by Ilkka Sariola

Welcome: Vernissage / Opening: Friday / Freitag 28.09.2018, 7pm |

Open on Sunday 30.09.2018 from 2-6pm

Ausstellungsdauer / Exhibition open: 29.9. –20.10. 2018 |
Öffnungszeiten/ Opening hours: Wed-Sa 3-7pm |

Finissage: 20.10.2018 7:30pm

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Ilkka Sariola (b.1969) is an urban artist and priest based in Helsinki. He is known for his expressive drawings and performances. In january 2018 Sariola had a large exhibition Shit Happens at Gallery Orton, Helsinki and now he continues the theme is his first solo show in Berlin Galerie Toolbox.

Shit Happens 2 is a collection of drawings from four series called: Disgrace, Thirst, Easter drawings and Sunday drawings. Disgrace is about personal and collective shame. Thirst has echoes of the tradition of 14 Stations of the Cross. Easter drawing are in connection of religious themes as lamentation, pietá and ecce homo. Sunday drawings combine biblical and political topics. All drawings are mede with pencil and eraser on paper.

Zeichnungen von Ilkka Sariola

Ilkka Sariola (geb.1969) ist ein urbaner Künstler und Pfarrer der in Helsinki lebt und arbeitet. Er ist bekannt für seine expressive Zeichnungen und Performance. Im Januar 2018 hat Sariola eine Große Austellung Shit Happens im Galerie Orton, Helsinki und jetzt macht er weiter mit das Thema in seine erste Solo Austellung in Berlin in der Galerie Toolbox.

Shit Happens 2 ist eine Auswahl von Zeichnungen aus vier Serien, die die Schande, der Durst, Osterzeichnungen und Sonntagzeichnungen heißen. Die Schande geht um persönliches und kollektives Schamgefühl. Der Durst ist inspiriert von den vierzehn Stationen des Kreuzweges. Osterzeichnungen sind verbunden mit religiöse Themen wie Beweinigung, pietá und ecce homo. Sonntagzeichnungen kombinieren biblische und politische Inhalte. Alle Werke sind mit Bleistift und Radierer gezeichnet.